Adulting is hard...we can help

Jim Riley Outreach is a Christian organization operating two transitional living homes in Collin County that serve youth who have aged out of foster care, or who are otherwise homeless and without critical support. At JRO, residents are provided a safe living environment, equipped with life skills, educational, and career advancement, and build a network of community support around them through volunteers, mentors, and individual coaching.

Our Mission

Equipping homeless and at-risk individuals to cultivate long-term life change.


  • The number of homeless youth counted in 2023.

  • The percentage of youth who age out of foster care without safe and stable support systems that will find themselves in chronic poverty or homeless.

  • The number of young women who age out of foster care that will become pregnant by 21.

  • The percentage of young men who exit care that will experience incarceration before the age of 24.